Success Stories

By doing this we can make better decisions, which adds to making us more successful."

I use them in monthly board discussions and meetings with key leadership at our offices so we can all see where we are, how we got here, and as a result, where we would like to go as a practice. My doctors use Practice Metrix for real time production and collections tracking too, the lifeblood of any OMS. Ultimately, Practice Metrix is one too, that helps us serve the patients of Oklahoma. "

Our decision centered on the notion that we are great healthcare providers and put all of our attention into patient care and continuing education. At some point in our careers it becomes necessary to learn and manage the business which includes managing its growth and keeping up with constant change. To think that maintaining a busy OMFS practice can allow for expert knowledge of billing, marketing, coding, growth strategies, human resources, HIPPA compliance, and negotiations with insurance companies and supply companies is overwhelming.
We all know OMFS is a unique field, with coordination of benefits between medicine and dentistry. We also know that our practices are unique in that we provide surgery and anesthesia. We have highly skilled staff that we need to retain. We didn’t feel we were paying enough attention to the details on the business side of the specialty while maintaining busy practices.
We went to a seminar and met with Practice Metrix and saw the benefit. A full-time staff supplementing and teaching our current staff how to improve. The proprietary software immediately revealed weaknesses and strengths within the practice. We had a complete evaluation of our hardware and software, and saw where changes needed to be made to improve our HIPPA compliance. Opportunity to gain leverage with ordering our supplies was immediate and eased us through Covid changes. We were aligned with new insurance quotes and introduced to teams to improve our reimbursement.
The most significant changes were in processing claims, managing AR and coding. I’m happy to report in our situation, we were able to improve hundreds of thousands of dollars in one quarter. Honestly, it’s like having a watchdog over your practice looking how it can suggest improvement. They have been immediately accessible to the doctors and staff and they have a great team of sub specialists within their group. I highly recommend them and would be happy to discuss the changes they made for us if anyone would like to reach out."

I am very grateful for my visit to Philadelphia.
Thank you for taking the time to meet, and to introduce me to the team members of Practice Metrix. I was very impressed by their knowledge, but even more by their sincerity and commitment towards my success- this is priceless!
Previously, I felt overwhelmed by the many tasks I had to complete on my own. Now, not only do I feel a sense of relief and associated optimism, I’m experiencing a confidence for future success, as well as a connection to you and your team. Your goals and processes are aligned with me and my hopes for the new practice. Through Practice Metrix, I am no longer working alone and isolated.
THANK YOU! For removing my sense of dread and feelings of being overwhelmed, and replacing these with ALIGNMENT, CONFIDENCE and OPTIMISM FOR THE FUTURE.
Heart-felt thanks to you and your team."